Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Online Dating for Dummies

You’re Wrong!  Whatever it is you “think” you know about online dating, toss it out the window and kiss your thoughts goodbye.  For all you silly skeptics that think online dating is only for those who cannot find a date in “real life,” I have news for you:  online dating is real life and you give it a thumbs down because you‘re scared of it!More people are meeting online in this day and age than ever before and it is a fabulous invention we should all embrace.  I do not fault you for your opinion as we all have a fear of the unknown. Why would you try something new, especially, if it made you nervous?  As insecure humans by nature, we have a tendency to “play it safe” so we‘ll always win, right?  Wrong!  You’ve heard it before and I’ll say it again -  “No risk, no reward!”I implore you to put your big girl panties on and give online dating a twirl.  The magic you can create and the connections  you will build through online dating will enrich your life beyond measure.  After all, we are on this planet to love and feel loved.  What else is there?  Without love, can you really be living?  I believe meeting people through online dating is your best chance at finding someone to love, and love you back.  Find your match so you can start living life to the fullest.Look!  There is no need to fear the unknown anymore.  Here is exactly what the online dating experience is like with a step by step direction guide:Step 1: Don’t hesitate anymore, quickly join the best free online dating website on the planet, TODAY!  While I could write pages about the different online dating companies on the internet, most of them are garbage.  Stay away from them.  Find one that suits you with the most opportunities and is the most social.  Why pay when there are some very good free dating sites out there.?Step 2: Build your profile.  Your profile is an advertisement of you, similar to a resume, but a lot more fun!   Show off, have confidence, and tell everybody what you love about yourself.  Wheaties Cereal says they’re the, “Breakfast of Champions.”  What are you?Step 3: Under “Search,“ tell the website what type of person you’re looking for.  This works like customizing a new car online.  If you have never customized a car online before, try it.  Build your dream car – it’s fun.  Choose the color of your car, if you want leather or fabric seats, sunroof, automatic windows etc.  On your dating website, build your dream partner – its even more fun!  Blond hair, makes 250k+ a year, athletic, likes hiking, wants kids someday etc.  Now hit “Submit”Step 4: Wow!  Look at your results.  Not only does every person listed have the attributes your looking for in your dream partner, but every person is just-like-you and looking for their perfect match.  These are quality dating leads waiting to hear from you.  Now, you get to window shop!  Click on the picture of somebody you like and view their profile page.  Read their specifications and see if you like what they have to offer you and your personality.  This process is like reading the price sheet at a car dealership.  On every new car, the prices are itemized by options.  You get to pick and choose which options work for you until you find your favored combination.  This is the same with online dating.  Find the person that has a combination you like.Step 5: Never judge a book by its cover and never buy a car without checking under the hood.  Pick 7 or 8 potential matches  from your dating website and research them in more detail.  You research members directly by sending them “tickles,” which are quick questions, or emails that demonstrate your interest and allow you to solicit a response with open ended questions.  If a member has return interested in you, it is up to them to “sell” you on their personality with a reply.  Talking to potential matches is like test driving a car.  Don’t buy a car unless you test drive it, and don’t expect to go on a date with anybody unless you’ve tested their personality.  They are going to test you too, so be honest and on your best behavior.Step 6: Evaluate the responses you receive and see who has held your interest.  If nobody has, go back to Step 4 and pick 7 to 8 new people to prospect.  If you do have interest, congratulations, you are on the verge of forming a meaningful relationship in your life.  Keep exchanging emails, chatting online, and asking light hearted open ended questions.  What you’re doing here is interviewing your potential match to see if they are who they say they are on their personality resume, as well as whether they are compatible with your personality.  This stage is very exciting, so enjoy it.Step 7: Now comes the hard part, taking your relationship from the digital world into the real world.  This is the hardest thing to do because it is the first time the “fear of rejection” comes into play.  At this stage remember 2 things.  1) They feel about you the way you feel about them.  2) They are just as nervous as you.  Have the courage to step up and take the relationship to the next level because if you do not take control of your life, who will?  Once you find the courage, the hard part is over.  Now for the easy part: taking action. “Hey, lets get together.  Nothing fancy, just coffee to start out with.  You seem like a great person and I would like to meet you.  How about 1pm this Saturday at XYZ coffee shop?”  It’s that easy.Step 8: The Date!  Yes, it is real, you’re going on a date with somebody you’re attracted to, who is interested and attracted to you too, and did I mention, probably just as nervous as you?  You have online dating to thank for this great opportunity.These 8 steps describe the core functionality of any dating website and what you can expect from your first foray into the online dating world.   The process is easy, non-confrontational and a very successful tool available to you for free.  There are many more features a dating website brings to the proverbial table that help enrich your dating experience online and in the real world, but they are just icing on the cake.  In reality the success of online dating will come down to you, your confidence and your courage to try something new.   Remember, you have nothing to lose but that feeling of wanting to meet somebody special. Take the risk, and reap the rewards, for life.

This blog is powered by the #1 Free Dating Website on the Planet -

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