Ture Sjolander, a well-known Swedish TV- and filmproducer has compiled this incredible Greta Garbo album. Sjolander is also a specialist in tapestries and is a man of great creativity. Living in Australia and working internationally.
The "truth" about GarboThe stories, observations, descriptions, analyses and interpretations of Garbo are legends alone, and contrast sharply with the lack of information from Garbo herself. Distorted by rumour, guess, error or motive the real Garbo remains silent and elusive. And yet is Garbo really that difficult to see and comprehend. Perhaps all we need to do is look, The truth about Garbo is in pictures. As she looks and appears so she is. Garbo's life and time and personality are in photographs. They are her biography. In this way Garbo has contributed to this book. Other contributors, known and unknowns, quoted and unquoted are also sincerely thanked.
Garbo, by Ture Sjolander. 140 pp. New York. Harper & Row.
Review by Charlie Andrews, The Nashville Banner 1971Greta Garbo, the mysterious Swede, appeared in total of 27 feature films. All her work in studios was confined to two decades. Not a tremendous career, picture-wise, by any means. Yet this inscrutable woman is still news wherever she appears and facts about her life story have been documented in over fifty books.Here's one more, a handsome picture e s s a y by the famous Swedish television and film producer, Ture Sjolander. It just happens to be the most complete collection of photos of this fascinating woman extant. Garbophiles will probably welcome the chance to snap it up at twelve bucks. The magic and mystery of Greta Garbo increase with each passing year. In fact a new wave of Garbo-mania seems to be sweeping the country right now.Here, in nearly two hundred photographs, is the incredible story of Garbo's private and public life - her early years, her rise to fame, her unforgettable films. The text tells about the events and people in the photographs. It's a lavish potpourri of her life and times. There's a bit of comfort in the book for us mere mortals, too. Early photos show the breath-taking beauty of a great screen personality, those on the last pages show the wrinkles and baggy eyes that all of us are heir to.
The magic and mysthery of Greta Garbo lives on. In fact a new wave of Garbo-mania seems to be sweeping the country. Here in nearly two hundred photographes is the incredible story of Garbo's private and public life – the early years, her rise to fame, her constant aversion to publicity, the men in her life, her unforgettable films. The text tells about the events and people in the photographs. A lavish pictorial memoirs of one of the screen's "greats" and her life and times.
Her father on the left, and her mother on the right. "Bonde" means farmer. A genealogist found 32 ancestors on her father's side and as many on her mother's who had come from peasantry at the end of the 17th century. For the most part they came from the provinces of Östergötland and Smaland in southern Sweden. Other scholars have strained to find ties to medieval nobility.
Garbo's grandmotherJohanna Gustafsson (following page) was not, in fact, Greta's grand mother. Garbo's paternal grandfather remarried after the death of his first wife, Louisa, and Johanna was his second wife here photographed with a photo album in her lap. The grandchildren frequently visited their grandparents
Early SilenceGrandfather Johan Agathon Gustafsson with bis wife Johanna (right) and Sons Karl and David (left). The family moved to many new places and jobs over the years. Greta's paternal uncle (above left, right) bought his first taxi-cab in 1910. His friends called him Garbo-Gustaf. When Garbo was a rising star and being seen with Mauritz Stiller, the wellknown director, in the midtwenties, Stockholm was a small town with only a few cabs. "In those days I often drove Greta, Stiller and their friends", her uncle David has recounted. "Greta and I had a silent agreement that we wouldn't show that we knew each other on such occasions."
Mother: Anna Louisa Gustafsson
After the Second World War broke out in Europe, Garbo brought her to California.Father: Karl Alfred Gustafsson
Died June 1st, 1920, the year Greta celebrated her l5th birthday.
In Katarina Södra primary school 1919, (fourteen-year-old Greta is the third from the right in the second row from the front.
School daysAll of Garbo's grades in school (1912-1919) have been preserved in the school's records. The highest grade was an A, then came a, AB and Ba. B meant passing. Greta received no failing grades. In her last term, she got an A in Christianity and a in reading, writing, geography, history and science. In arithmetic she got a Ba. The grades in the first three columns are for "behavior", "diligence" and maturity". In the first two an A was normal for a wellbehaved pupil. The seven subjects on the right include penmanship, art, singing, athletics, home economics, needlework and book-keeping.During the spring of 1918 Greta was absent from school one day without the permission of her teacher or parents. During seven school years she missed a total of eleven days because of illness.Alva, Greta's older sister, dressed to be confirmed. It was easy to spoil little Alva. She was so beautiful and lovable that she immediately won the affection of everybody, her uncle David has said. Alva had made a modest Start on a screen career in Sweden when she died in 1926 at the age of 22. The news reached Greta in the midst of the first takes of The Temptress.Sven, Greta's older brother, dressed in his suit for confirmation. Sven moved to the United States with his family during World War II. Occasionally he helped Greta with her business in Sweden and later he worked at MGM. "Her brother had a certain artistic leaning", according to one of Garbo's biographers. The same source claims that Garbo paid for his studies.
Garbo's childhood homewas at Blekingegatan 32 in the southern part of the City of Stockholm. Garbo experts argue whether it was an apartment of one, two or more rooms. The evidence has been removed by bulldozers.Garbology started in the Thirties through the first attempts to penetrate Blekingegatan 32. Neighbors were systematically interviewed; playmates and schoolmates searched for through newspaper ads. Her teachers have reread her records and recalled the charm and difficulties of the famous pupil.
The girl in the barber shopMany Stockholm barber shops claim Garbo worked for them during her last year of school and the following year.
The girl in the hat departmentIn 1920 Miss Greta Gustafsson, aged fourteen, applied for a job at PUB, one of Stockholm's largest department stores. She was hired as a shop assistant, paying $ 25 a month. Through her job in the hat department, she was asked one day to show the spring models. In PUB's mail order catalog (edition: 50 000 copies) for the spring of 1921 she wore these hats.In 1921 she took part in a screen commercial about the department store. The following year she ate cake in a screen commercial financed by the Consumers' Cooperative Association of Stockholm (above, right).In 1922 she got her first part in a feature movie. It was Peter, the Tramp, a comedy, in which Miss Gustafsson played the part of one of the mayor's three daughters (below, right). Garbo is in the middle.
Darbo – Gábor – GarboThe undersigned requests hereby respectfully permission for my underage daughter, Miss Greta Gustafsson, to adopt the family name of Garbo. Birth certificate enclosed.
Stockholm, November 9, 1923
Anna GustafssonWitnesses: My mother's application at hand is subscribed to by meThe name Gustafsson fills pages and pages in Swedish telephone directories. After the shooting of Peter, the Tramp during the Summer of 1922, Greta applicd to the drama school of the Royal Dramatic Theater in Stockholm. She was admitted in the fall. Mona Mhrtensson (right) was one of Garbo's friends from drama school. They both auditioned for Stiller. They corresponded with cach other during Garbo's early period in Hollywood. Two years after Greta left for Hollywood Mona also went into the movies. Another friend from drama school and with whom Garbo corresponded was Vera Schmiterlöw who is pictured with Garbo in the film car (see next spread). After more than a year at drama school and her first part for the famous director Mauritz Stiller, the question of changing her name arose. The name "Garbo", many have said, was inspired by Erica Darbo, a Norwegian operetta performer who was much appluaded in Stockholm at the time. The Hungarian royalty name of Gàbor has also been mentioned. Many have been credited with thinking up the name, such as Stiller, his scriptwriter, the vicar who confirmed Greta and Mimi Pollak, her friend from drama school. In any case, Miss Gustafsson was the one who took the name.
Arrived!Mauritz Stiller, the famous Swedish director, arrived in New York with his protegé Garbo in the midst of a heat wave in July, 1925. The reception committee on the pier consisted of only one free lance photographer who had been paid in advance by MGM to take a few publicity shots. They waited in New York for three months on rather limited funds before they got word from Hollywood to take a train to California.Mauritz Stiller was reputed to be a genius and a dominating director. Destitute, he had left his native country of Finland, then a Russian grand duchy, at the age of 21 for Stockholm, where he started to work in the theater. He was already considered the most exciting film director in the country when, in 1923, he tested the almost entirely untried Garbo for the female lead in Gösta Berling's Saga, which was based on a novel by Swedish Nobel Prize winner Selma Lagerlöf. Stiller asked the drama school pupil to diet, yet he thought she had potentials. Greta Gustafsson, 17 years old, was signed for the female lead in the nearly four-hour movie for a total of $ 600. The reception was quite good. With Garbo and a film troupe, Stiller travelled to Turkey at the end of 1924 to make a film that was never released. On the way back some members of the troupe stopped off in Berlin where Garbo got a part in the German director G. W. Pabst's The Street of Sorrow.In spring 1925, Louis B. Mayer of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, came to Europe. He contracted for Stiller and Garbo to come to Hollywood. In Los Angeles MGM arranged a grand reception.
Greetings from GurraGarbo wrote to friends in Sweden and conveyed impressions from her first years in the new continent. On the Canadian post card she wrote
This is just one of the many wonderful places you'll see on your way to C.
Many many greetings to Lasse,
GurraGarbo seldom signed her letters "Greta". "Gurra" was a common signature; she also used "Poor Tage". Stiller with Garbo on his right among friends in Los Angeles during the first stay in Hollywood. Several friends from Stockholm were already in Hollywood. On the following two pages Garbo and Stiller have been snapped with actress Karin Molander and actor Lars Hansson with whom Greta had co-starred in Gösta Berling's Saga.
Waitingto start on a film Greta met her Swedish friends who formed a sort of colony in Santa Monica. The quartet from the preceeding two pages are seen together above. Garbo's two gin friends on the following spread are Karin Molander (with sunshade) and Edith Erastoff, married to Swedish director Victor Sjöström (Seastrom), who had accepted a Hollywood offer before Stiller."This is a rather unusual portrait of Garbo who imagines she has become strong by paddling about in my canoe for a couple of hours. But she has got a sun tan." Notes on the back of a private snapshot.
LaunchingMGM was unsure at first how to launch Garbo. The girl with the lion and the smart, sporty girl on the following pages illustrate some of the attempts that were tried. After ten weeks Garbo got her first role, largely as a result of Stiller's persuasive powers. But Stiller did not get the assignment. Garbo got the female lead in The Torrent and co-starred with Ricardo Cortez; Monta Bell directed. Although the movie got a chilly reception from critics, it was a success for Garbo. After a good deal of hard work for Garbo with a new language, a new director and new routines in the studio, the film was ready to open by Christmas, 1925.A new lead, rather like the first, was quickly decided for Garbo. This time Stiller was to direct. But he had difficulty making himself understood in the studios and getting along with his superiors at MGM. Stiller was replaced by Fred Niblo who finished The Temptress.lt was not an optimistic young star's voice that spoke in the letters home when the film was being shot: "I've become afraid of life ..."
"It's as if someone had cut off part of me. I've tried to get permission to go home but everyone advises me not to."
Garbo's Carwill always remain Garbo's, no matter how many owners it has had. This is also the case of her house, her country estate and other things she has owned. In 1950 "Garbo's car", a 60 horsepower Dusenberg m/34, was on sale in Paris. In 1956 Garbo's Mercedes convertible 290 m/35 was on sale in Stockholm.
Garbo and the prince"You know that the crown prince and princess Louise were here. In the Metro studios for lunch Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf had Garbo as his partner. Oh, oh, oh. I arrived 15 minutes late for lunch. Wasn't my fault that 1 worked – a scandal! He was very friendly and I poured out all sorts of foolish things."In the summer of 1926, the Crown Prince and Princess of Sweden visited Hollywood on their tour of the United States. The man on the right is Mr. Robinson, president of the First National Bank of Los Angeles.
HandwritingGraphologist Harry Teitscher commented on Garbo's handwriting in 1937 in Neues Wienerjournal: "What one notices, above all, in Greta Garbo's handwriting is the marked regularity. She writes her name with simple and emphatic letters. There is an obvious parallell between the regularity of her handwriting and her facial traits. The strong tie between the different letters show that Garbo thinks logically, is clear in her deliberations and calm about her decisions. Her simple manner of writing corresponds to her simple way of life, e. g. the manner in which she dresses in her private life. Her style is natural. It also reveals a powerful system of nerves, lots of energy and endurance and, to be a woman, very strong will-power. She abstains from cheap effects and can be hard as nails when it comes to true and inner values.""... But 1 suppose the day will come. Well, when you sell yourself for dollars this is what happens to you. If they would only come sooner, the bastards". From a letter to book publisher Lars Saxon with whom Garbo corresponded.
HomageOn p. 72 there is a German post card, a mosaic, a Hollywood promotion drawing for Ninotschka; they all date from the 1930's. The sketch Ninotschka from 1929 dates from when she modelled for a group of artists in Stockholm. The portrait on this page is by Einar Nerman, her friend.
CaricatureA caricature from Vanity Fair by Cavarrubias is on the far left. This artist's famous caricature of Garbo and Calvin Coolidge was bought at an auction by Garbo's long-time companion George Schlee. It has been assumed that he bought it on Garbo's behalf.Next to it is an Italian caricature, exhibited at the Film Olympics in Venice in 1935. The woman on the left (righthand page) is made of wax.
The idolWood carvings of Garbo's head were mass produced in Germany in 1933. Exhibitions, festivals and contests on the theme of Garbo were common during the Thirties. Here are the finalists in a contest "Hungary's Greta Garbo" in 1931. The winner is on the far right.
"Leave me alone""There is no star who knows so instinctively when she is good in a photo", said Clarence Bull, who in 1934 celebrated the fact he had taken all 3,000 publicity shots of Garbo for MGM. Outside the studios Garbo has always fled as far as possible from photographers. In this picture, taken in New York in 1938, she is seen with Robert Rued.
On boardAtlantic passenger liners were favorite hunting grounds for journalists. They have followed "Greta Bakke", "J. Emerson", "Phyllis Smith", "Beatrice Wills", "Helene Morgan", "Miss Hansen", "Carin Lundh", "J. Ciark", "Harriet Brown" and the other pseudonyms Garbo used in the vain hope of getting the big scoop – an exclusive interview. Amateur photographers have often been more successful. Here is Garbo on her way to Sweden in 1934 (left) and her return to New York (right).
In SwedenGarbo has been less shy of the press in her own country. Here in 1935, she is seen on board the Kungsholm approaching Gothemburg, on her third visit to Sweden. Garbo gives short answers to all questions. Mostly she says "nothing" or "no", according to the newspaper reports of her arrival. But she definitely makes an intelligent impression, a reporter adds.Greta Garbo is still in Sweden as newspapermen and photographers search for her in vain on board ships to The States. On April 4th, 1936 she is discovered taking a walk with friends (next double-page spread) – Count and Countess Nils Wachtmeister and the poet Fredrik Nycander.
ConquestGarbo as Marie Walewska and Charles Boyer as Napoleon while shooting Conquest in 1937. Cameraman Karl Feund standing at left and Clarence Brown, who directed seven of Garbo's films, sitting immediately in front of him.
FashionWhat Garbo is wearing was reported in complete detail on every occasion. At the congress of American hairdressers in Philadelphia, 1938, loud protests were launched against Garbo for being interviewed and photographed with long, straight hair at a time when the current fashion prescribed combing it on the crown. Later the manufacturers of silk stockings protested to her wearing woolen stockings. Shortly afterwards the ladies' tailors and the cosmetic industry expressed their displeasure. Sometime later attention was focused on "the new Garbo" once again.
Con garboThe meaning of the Italian word "garbo" is "grace" or "politeness". The meaning cannot have been unknown to the famous conductor Leopold Stokowski. He is seen in the picture on the left with Garbo in Italy, 1937. Stokowski is one of the many men who have been presented in regular reports of her "impending marriage". In 1938 it was said they were going to make a film about Tschaikovsky together.
Garbo's dietbecame another topic of discussion when Garbo was seen often with Gaylord Hauser, the dietician. When they were photographed together in Palm Beach in 1940 it was said that everything was set for the wedding.
Garbo talkswas the big attraction of her first talkie in 1930. "Well, gentleman. As usual I have nothing to say!" The press conveyed this message in headlines from her royal reception in Stockholm, 1946.
Just friendsGreta Garbo crossing a Stockholm street with George Schlee. He was seen with Garbo for twenty years. They met through Schlee's wife, Valentina, Garbo's dress designer in New York. On the Riviera, in Cap d'Ail, George Schlee bought "Le Roc", a spacious and well protected house, which, naturally, has never been called anything besides "Garbo's house". In 1964 George Schlee died. The house and its furniture went to Valentina, but Garbo has spent some time there since then.
Four angles of GarboDuring their visit to Stockholm in 1946, Garbo and Schlee lived with Max Gumpel. As they wanted to live incognito. The newspaper captions read as follows: "Every now and then Greta Garbo drives into town to go to restaurant and to the theater. Greta Garbo had dinner at Bellmansro restaurant and was in excellent spirits.""Garbo has no special angle from which she should be photographed nor special facial expressions that she feels suit her", said Clarence Bull in 1934, after he had taken all MGM's publicity stills of her. "There isn't a star who is as anxious to see prints of the photos snapped", Bull continued.
Guest Greta Garbo pouts between bites of food but holds attention of Brazilian industrialist Nelson Seabra and Mrs. William Randolph Hearst
Garbo on camera"Garbo returns to the screen", "Garbo to make new movie" are headlines that have occurred frequently since she left MGM after completing Two-Faced Woman in 1941.Shortly before it opened it was said that she was going to appear in a film of Tolstoys's The Kreutzer Sonat. In March, 1943, she was to play the part of Saint Joan in England, and a year later she was to appear in a film about the Norwegian fleet in the war. In 1945 she was supposed to co-star with Bing Crosby in a musical, and a year later to appear in an Alexander Korda production in England, a movie about l8th century Swedish monarch Gustaf III and Sarah Bernhardt.In 1947 she was supposed to portray George Sand, and to have rejected the lead in The Paradine Case at the last moment. In the spring 1949 an Italian film was "set" as well as The Duchess of Langelais, which Walter Wagner was going to produce. The latter was postponed over and over again, but by October it had been officially titled Lovers and Friends. There were many more rumours about movies than mentioned here. And they have not died out after these pictures were taken in 1949.
The Stars predictGreat fame through her own powers is what the horoscope, which astrologist C. H. Huter in Dresden, Germany, prepared in 1931 foresaw for the then 26-year-old Greta Garbo. The astrologist pointed out that she was born under the same sign as Richard Wagner (Virgo), and claimed that "the spiritually erotic rules over the sensually erotic in her life". Big success was predicted for her in 1932 and 1933.
Dark glassesWhile Garbo did everything possible to avoid the press wherever she resided and travelled between New York, London, Paris, Sweden, the French Riviera and other places, journalists, authors, psychoanalists, graphologists and astrologists have strained to find new approaches. The headlines seem closely related: "The Real Garbo", "A New Slant on Garbo", "The World's Love Ideal", "Greta Garbo's Soul", "The Saga of Greta Garbo", "My Life with Greta Garbo", "Garbo the Life of a Star", "Garbo the Lonely Star", "The True Story of Garbo", etc. This wealth of writing has two things in common. All the articles in some way claim to be the first to reveal some new truth about Garbo. They have also been written without any assistance from Garbo.
SuddenlyOur photographer ran into Garbo on Fifth Avenue. The picture on the left dates from spring 1955, Garbo is accompanied by Philippe de Rothschild.
High SocietyIn July 1955, Garbo boarded Aristotle Onassis' yacht, "Christina", in Monte Carlo. Two days later they spent a day sight-seeing on Capri. Two weeks later they turned up in Palermo. By September the newspapers were ready to tell how Onassis, Garbo and Ali Khan were going to rent a house together in Vienna to attend the grand opening of the opera. At the same time, it was reported that the Christina had docked at the Greek island of Ithaca. This photo was taken in 1956. In July 1957, Garbo was received on her arrival at the railway station in Nice by a Hungarian orchestra in red coats, which Onassis had arranged. In 1958, Winston Churchill went aboard the yacht for a lunch with Onassis and Garbo.
Garbo Laughs"Garbo's sweater and the scarf around her neck contrasted shockingly with the pearl-adorned decolletes at the Sporting Club", a newspaper reported from Monaco in 1958.
Big gameOn this occasion in Paris, 1959, things were relatively calm. The well-known Garbo hunt has often taken rather dramatic forms, and the tricks used to avoid the photographers sometimes seem inspired by Hollywood. It is a story of long sieges, frustrated coups, and escapes through backdoors. In the escape from the photograpers in Rome, 1949, Garbo's car, which was driven by a former French pilot, was stopped several times for traffic misdemeanors. But the police forgot the fines when they recognized Garbo.
PassportAfter a visit with Prime Minister Anthony Eden at 10 Downing Street, Garbo is seen walking with photographer Cecil Beaton in October, 1956. "We were friends in those days. I never asked to take her picture as 1 knew that was the last thing she wanted", Cecil Beaton has said. But one day Garbo said: "If you just hadn't been such a big and famous photographer ..." "Then you would let me take a passport picturc of you", Beaton filled in.Beaton apparently knew that Garbo's passport was about to expire. He was allowed to take the photos of which two are printed on the following pages. Later, when Beaton let the photos be published, he was very criticai of Garbo. He said, among other things, that she was unable to experience friendship and unable to sacrifice anything for another person.
Miss GGarbo's apartment overlooks the East River from the fifth floor of 450 East 52nd Street in New York City. There is a "G" at the house telephone, but no one answers. Her daily life in New York is said to be monotonous. She gets up at 7, makes breakfast herself and is ready to go out when the maid arrives at 9. Every morning she is said to walk around town until 12.30. She keeps to the quieter streets around First and Second Avenue. The lunch at home at 1 is followed by a new trip in town. The art galleries on Madison Avenue are among those places where she has been seen. By the time she gets home, her maid has left for the day. She rarely goes out after 7. She is said to watch TV and go to bed around 9.30.
"When Garbo came out without her dark glasses, smiling towards the doorman, our photographer was able to take this shot. Greta Garbo immediately hid her face, but it was too late."Garbo on her way out of a fashion shop in Paris, October, 1959.
The casual visitorGarbo's friendship has often been used to make revealing statements about her. This is also the surest way of breaking all ties with her. Today the wall of silence nearest to her is just as high in New York as in her remotely situated residence in Klosters, Switzerland or among her sophisticated circles on the Riviera as among her relatively many Swedish friends.One of those whom she meets now and then is Kerstin Bernadotte, well-known in Sweden as a journalist and through her marriage with Carl-Johan Bernadotte, a son of Sweden's ruling monarch. They now live in Paris where this photo of Garbo and Mrs Bernadotte was snapped.A few years ago Kerstin Bernadotte called a dancing school, according to a well-known Stockholm dancing teacher, to arrange lessons for a friend. No one else was allowed to be present at the lessons, which were also to be kept secret. The pupil was Garbo. She is said to have danced enthusiastically.
Get-awayGarbo, in Sweden for the first time in thirteen years, makes a quick get-away from the press at the Stockholm airport in Kerstin Bernadotte's car (1961).Another long-time friend is artist Einar Nerman who is seen here taking a walk with Garbo in Stockholm.
Garbo above the surfaceIn her very first film Garbo portrayed a gin in a bathing suit. Not until nearly two decades later did Garbo appear once again in a bathing suit before the camera and this took place in her last film. Another two decades and a telephoto lenses caught Garbo bathing on the Riviera.
On the screenOnce upon a time there was a man by the name of Edgar H. Donne. Born in England, he settled as a farmer in Michigan, where he lived the life of a hermit even though he had some wealth. He owned about 175 acres of land. Edgar H. Donne loved Greta Garbo. He wrote to her but never got an answer. Neighbors have related that he travelled to Hollywood in the hope of catching sight of her. He never saw her.Edgar H. Donne drew up his will in 1936 as follows: "My land, my secunities, my money and other possessions shall go to Greta Louisa Gustafsson, film star, better known by the name of Greta Garbo, and to no one else. If Greta Garbo should become my wife all my possessions are to go to Greta Louisa Donne. Ten years later Edgar H. Donne died at the age of 70. The fortune he left was estimated as $ 15,000 in the form of jewels, securities and cash. Judge Irving J. Tucker of Allegan, Michigan, tried to get in touch with Garbo to turn over the inheritance. In the meantime he received piles of letters from persons in 12 states and two European countries who had opinions concerning the inheritance or made claims of being Greta Garbo.Five months later Garbo sent word by letter that she was willing to accept the inheritance and turn it over to a charity. "1 never knew Mr Donne", said Garbo. She had a vague memory of having received letters from him. Such letters were normally handled by her secretary. The charity later sold the land to a private enterprise. There was oil in the ground.The story of Garbo in print and pictures is a remarkable mixture of unawareness of all conceivable human interests. Garbo has remained silent."1 have never written any sort of article for publication. 1 have never told my life story to a journalist", she has said. The statement was sufficient to give rise to a number of articles."I'll soon become a little old lady if I go on like this", Garbo wrote while still in her twenties. "I live a life that a 70-years-old would appreciate. But 1 have got the title of 'the mystery'." Today Garbo is an image even for people who have never seen her on the screen.Garbo has appeared in a total of 27 feature rnovies. All her work in studios was confined to two decades. The directors, the performers and other such facts about her films have been documented in over fifty books that have been published about her.
* Peter the Tramp 1922
* The Story of Gösta Berling 1924
* The Flesh and the Devil 1926
* The Temptress 1926
* The Mysterious Lady 1928
* A Woman of Affairs 1929
* The Torrent 1926
* The Street of Sorrow 1925
* Love 1927
* The Divine Woman 1928
* Wild Orchids 1928
* The Single Standard 1929
* The Kiss 1929
* Anna Christie 1930
* Romance 1930
* Mata Hari 1932
* Grand Hotel 1932
* As You Desire Me 1932
* Conquest 1937
* Camille 1936
* Inspiration 1931
* Anna Christie 1931
* Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise 1931
* Queen Christina 1933
* The Painted Veil 1934
* Anna Karenina 1935
* Ninotschka 1939
* The Twofaced Woman 1942
Источник: http://www.gretagarbo.de/
© Ture Sjolander · GARBO · 1971
Interview with Ture Sjolander
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