Старинные библиотеки необыкновенной красоты.
Дама у входа в публичную библиотеку- 1782г.
Melk Monastery Library
Sansovino Library, Rome, Italy
Здесь самые красивые библиотеки мира, которые успела найти, и библиотеки, сайтами которых я постоянно пользуюсь:
Библиотека Британского Музея, Библиотека Конгресса США и Нью-Йоркская Публичная Библиотека. Всем бы библиотекам такие сайты!
Gerard Sibelius
Allegorical scene with Mercury seated in a library at left, a woman and an angel at left, a ship seen through a window at centre; illustration to an unidentified publication
Библиотеки впервые появились на древнем Востоке. Обычно первой библиотекой называют собрание глиняных табличек, около 2500 года до н.э., найденное в Вавилоне.
Самая известная древневосточная библиотека — собрание клинописных табличек из дворца ассирийского царя Ашшурбанипала в Ниневии-VII века до н. э.
В одной из гробниц близ египетских Фив был обнаружен ящик с папирусами XVIII — XVII вв. до н.э. В эпоху Нового царства Рамзесом II было собрано около 20 000 папирусов.
Thomas Cook
After Daniel Dodd
Classical scholars gathered in a square before a partly constructed library, groups in the foreground engaged in discussion while examining a globe at left and using geometical tools at right, others behind painting, using balances, experimenting with a pendulum and listening a speaker; after Daniel Dodd, frontispiece to a "Cyclopedia". 1778
В древней Греции первая публичная библиотека была основана в Гераклее тираном Клеархом (IV век до н. э.).
Крупнейшим центром античной книжности стала Александрийская библиотека. Она была создана в III веке до н. э. Птолемеем I и была центром образования всего эллинистического мира.
Александрийская библиотека являлась частью комплекса , в него входили жилые комнаты, столовые помещения, помещения для чтения, ботанический и зоологический сады, обсерватория и библиотека. Позднее к нему были добавлены медицинские и астрономические инструменты, чучела животных, статуи и бюсты, которые были использованы для обучения. В музей (mouseĩon) входило 200 000 папирусов в Храме (почти все библиотеки античности были при храмах) и 700 000 документов в Школе. Музей и большая часть Александрийской библиотеки были уничтожены приблизительно в 270 году нашей эры.
Theology Room at St. Deiniol's library, North Wales
В Средние века важную роль играли монастырские библиотеки, при которых действовали скриптории. Там переписывалось не только Священное писание и сочинения отцов Церкви, но и произведения античных авторов.
В эпоху Ренессанса деятели возрождения буквально, охотились за сохранявшимися в монастырях греческими и латинскими текстами. Из-за огромной стоимости манускриптов и трудоёмкости их изготовления книги приковывались к библиотечным полкам цепями.
---------------------Публичные библиотеки-------------------
Первой в Лондоне была библиотека Самуэль Farcourt на Fleet Street, которая была открыта в 1730 г.
Лондон. библиотека Райта с выдачей книг на дом [с. 1740]
Wright's, established in 1740, was possibly the second circulating library in London. The first was Samuel Farcourt's circ ulating library at Crane Court, Fleet Street, which opened in c .
John Raphael Smith
A lady coming from the circulating library; dressed in large bonnet, apron and bustle, carrying a book. 1781
Beauty in Search of Knowledgeprint; Sayer & Bennett (Published by); Fashionable young woman pausing at door of circulating library, facing forward with arm on an umbrella
December 1782
Библиотека (1813)
Published by Laurie & Whittle
Three women in a library, one of whom looks through the catalogue discussing the titles that interest her with the man behind the counter. 1 October 1804
=================Vatican Library===================
Vatican Library
Pope Sixtus V commissioned the architect Domenico Fontana in 1587 to build a new, larger library, which stands today. The top floor of the building is occupied by the Sistine Hall, which is now part of the Vatican Museums. The richly frescoed hallway is lined with cabinets that for centuries held the library's manuscripts, which are now housed in a separate but neighboring place in the Secret Vatican Archives, founded under Pope Paul V (1605-1621).
View into the Sistine Hall
Looking into the sumptuous Sistine Hall, and through to the door that leads into the Vatican Library
Sansovino Library, Rome, Italy
---------------Strahov Monastery Library in Prague-------------
The library in the Strahov Monastery in Prague contains many valuable old prints. They are kept in the Theological Hall and the Philosophical Hall, and also in depositories. The Theological Hall was built as the first one, in the 17th century. There are about 18 000 theological prints. The ceiling is decorated with a large fresco painting and there are valuable globes placed there
Strahov Theological Hall; Statue of John the Evangelist Holding a Book
Strahov Monastery Library Hall of Philosophy
Philosophical hall in the Strahov Monastery library, Prague
Strahov Monastery Library
Strahov Monastery - The Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov is one of the oldest monasteries of the Premonstratensian Order in the world. It has been a working monastery ever since 1143.
Strahov Monastery Library
Strahov Monastery - The Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov is one of the oldest monasteries of the Premonstratensian Order in the world. It has been a working monastery ever since 1143.
The most valuable parts of monastery complex are: Library (unique library from 1143), Basilica of Our Lady (Mozart improvised on the organ in 1787), Picture Gallery (one of the truly great private collections in the Central Europe, established in 1836).
-------Wiblingen Monestary Library-----
Wiblingen Monastery Library, Ulm, Germany - Ahmet Ertug @ lefigaro.fr
----------------Bad Schussenried Bibliotheks---------------
Bad Schussenried Bibliotheks Saal, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Bad Schussenried Bibliotheks Saal, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
========Abbey Library St. Gallen, Switzerland=====
Abbey Library St. Gallen, Switzerland
Angelica Library, Rome, Italy
Biblioteca Angelica, Rome, Italy
Casanatense Library, Rome, Italy
Herzog August Library, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar II, Germany
Library of the Benedictine Abbey, Metten, Germany
Bibliotheque Alencon, Normandy, France
Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris, France
Handelingenkamer Tweede Kamer Der Staten-Generaal Den Haag, the Hague, Netherlands
----------------Bodleian Library, Oxford----------------
Bodleian Library, Oxford
The Bodleian Library (pronounced /ˈbɒdliən, bɒdˈliːən/), the main research library of the University of Oxford, is one of the oldest libraries in Europe
Duke of Humphrey's Library, Bodleian, Oxford University, England
Queen's College Library Oxford
Codrington Library, All Souls College, Oxford, England
John Rylands Library, Manchester, England (Thanks to Edward Brownrigg and John Rylands)
Suzzallo Library, Seattle, Washington, USA
Pierpont Morgan Library, NY, NY, USA
Thomas Crane Library, Quincy MA, USA
Law Library, Iowa State Legislature, IA, USA
George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Austrian National Library, Vienna, Austria
Library of the Benedictine Monastery, Admont, Austria - ognipensierova @ flickr
Klementium Library, Prague, Czech Republic
El Escorial Library, San Lorenzo, Spain
========Biblioteca Joanina -University of Coimbra=======
Biblioteca Joanina -University of Coimbra
Biblioteca Geral University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
The Joanina Library is the Baroque library of the University of Coimbra, built in the 18th century during the reign of the Portuguese King João V (and named after him).
Biblioteca do Palacio e Convento de Mafra I, Lisbon Coast, Portugal
===================Melk Monastery Library==========
Melk Monastery Library
Melk Monastery Library, Melk, Austria - Engonzalez @ Wikimedia
Picton Reading Room and Hornby Library are two grade II listed buildings on William Brown Street, part of the Liverpool Central Library.
Built in 1875 -79. Architect Sir James Allanson Picton was the Chairman of the Libraries Committee.
У этих библиотек великолепные сайты с сотнями тысяч картинок и фото на любые темы.
==================British Museum =====================
-------------------Public Library-----------------------
Thomas Hosmer Shepherd
1820-1864 Museum reading room; view of the sixth reading room in the British Museum, a large room, lined with book shelves with a balcony at window height; a large number of men sitting or standing at tables on either side of central aisle, doorway in background, another room visible beyond
The Old Newspaper Reading Room in the British Museum. Sell's Dictionary of the World's Press 1893.
Drawn by G Lawson
Tottering under the weight of knowledge; elderly man turned slightly to left, and carrying books piled high, in the Reading Room of the British Museum.
British Museum Reading Room
The British Museum Reading Room, situated in the centre of the Great Court of the British Museum, used to be the main reading room of the British Library. In 1997 this function moved to the new British Library building at St Pancras, London, but the Reading Room remains in its original form. Designed by Sydney Smirke on a suggestion by the Library's Chief Librarian Anthony Panizzi, following an earlier competition idea by William Hosking, the Reading Room was in continual use from 1857 until its temporary closure in 1997/
=================New York Public Library===================
The New York Public Library. (1898)
Central building, exterior views, Fifth Avenue : Library from Fifth Ave. and 42nd, looking west, 6th Ave., el visible. (ca. 191-)
Central building, exterior views : Bryant Park facade from above Bryant Park, park in foreground, tall buildings visible... (ca. 193-)
Rose Main Reading Room
In the New York Public Library's Stephen A. Schwarzman Building; Midtown, Manhattan
Ceiling Art at NY Public Library
----------------Росписи стен--------------------
The NY Public Library
=================Библиотека Конгресса США=================
-----------------Library of Congress----------------
The Library of Congress in the Capitol, 1800-1897
The law creating the Library of Congress, approved on April 24, 1800, called for its books to be housed in "a suitable apartment" in the Capitol. In 1800 only the north wing of the Capitol was finished.
Library of Congress Main Hall, Jefferson Building
Dome of the Library of Congress, Jefferson Building with the "flame of knowledge"
Jefferson Building, Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Library of Congress Ceiling Detail
----------------Читальный зал--------
Federal eagle in mantle, Congressional Reading Room, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress
Bird inlay in Congressional Reading Room, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Poetry riding Pegasus, Members Room, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress
Такая национальная библиотека, смешавшая в архитектуре все стили и эпохи- будет в Казани:
Для сравнения:
Людвиг II Баварский и его фантастические замки.
Много картинок-ТУТ
Еще по теме:
Книги и книжные магазины. 16-19 век-ТУТ
Мебель и много разных вещей в виде книг-ТУТ
Фонтаны и скульптура в виде книг-ТУТ
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