Why do so many guy's pictures look like mugshots pulled off the Smoking Gun website? Why can so few of them distinguish between "women" and "woman", "your" and "you're" and let's not even get into the "there", "their", and "they're" issues! And what the hell is wrong with typing in full sentences and actually spelling out words instead of substituting numbers and single letters?? Am I hopelessly too old to be doing this again? Or does the growth in Internet usage over the past eight years just mean there are more dipshits trolling the dating sites than there used to be? I'm thinking it's a little of both.
But I got this way cool email to a dating web site that I pathetically posted an ad to and this is the response I got from some dude I don't even know. I just thought it was hysterical to see the advertisement the site added to his message to me. Funny--but very sad. But I'm sticking to my standard rules--no dating guy-brarians, and (definitely!) no dating patrons (somehow an unlimited bus pass and eating hot pockets in some 40 year old guy's mom's garage just isn't a turn on for me.)
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