Saturday, September 25, 2010

С наступающим днем знаний! Книги- фонтаны и скульптура.

Фонтаны и скульптура в виде книг.

Рим, фонтан книг

В основном такие тематические обьекты располагаются у библиотек и на территории университетов, но есть и исключения, часто забавные.


знаменитый фонтан книг
Rome: one of many many fabulous drinking fountains. Fountain of Books. Near the Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza located on Via degli Staderari.


Librarian's Nightmare
Innsbruck : A fountain of books.


Book Fountain, Main Library

The Amelia Valerio Weinberg Memorial Fountain, on the Vine Street Plaza, was conceived and executed by former Cincinnati sculptor Michael Frasca.


Sphinx guarding the statue of Civilization

Big Books - Folsom Library

Book Statue @ University of Michigan

More Brass Books
Brass book-themed sculptures set in various bits of concrete near the Marriott Library at the University of Utah.

Font Book Sculpture

Brass book-themed sculptures set in various bits of concrete near the Marriott Library at the University of Utah.

Diane Maclean
Open Book, 2010
bright annealed stainless steel, mirror-polished coloured stainless steel (red)

A sculpture of a book outside a library in Berlin.



Statue of books
Deze staat voor de bibliotheek in Vlijmen

Statue of books
A statue of famous books, Berlin, Germany.

the iron book statue Williamsburg

Bonn Square Oxford Book Statue

Drexel University's new Alumni Garden, which just opened at the IST college.

Pessoa's book sculpure
Chiado, Lisbon,Portugal

strange book sculpture by the Grove Arcade

Stack of book statue outside the Downtown Library in Nashville, TN

Scholarship and Haberdashery


Book Statue in Central Park


St. Petersburg

The tiny figure sitting on huge books is part of a statue in the garden of St. Petersburg State University, Russia.

Frederick Meijer Gardens


Book statue
Near the Hauptbahnhof in Düsseldorf


Book shaped tombstone

Etched in stone
This is the book that is at James Whitcomb Riley's tomb.
---------------------Bill Woodrow--------------------

Sitting on History: Bill Woodrow. 1996
Main atrium, Midsummer Place Shopping Centre

Regardless of History by Bill Woodrow

Regardless of History by Bill Woodrow


Lincoln bicycle statue -- Balancing the Books -- located outside the Gere Branch Library.

Tour de Lincoln bicycle statue -- Balancing the Books -- located outside the Gere Branch Library.

--------------Шутливые и китч------------------------


Big Stack O'Books
statue at coshocton public library, where I stopped in after the Phil Chase to meet with my friend Rosemary Honnold, teen librarian extraordinaire.


A little statue of a girl reading, up on a ledge outside the national library in Prague

Young readers
Children climbing on the statue of Hans Christian Andersen in Central Park, New York City. 2004



Reading Girl Statue Glen Rock, NJ

UNL campus, Lincoln, Nebraska.


Johnson Beary to make this bronze sculpture of Dewey Readmore Books

Еще по теме:

Мебель и много разных вещей в виде книг-ТУТ


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