Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ду ю спик инглиш?

Прочла о 10 тысячах учителей английского языка, которые приедут в Грузию. Наверное, надо радоваться, что никаких других проблем в образовании больше нет, и единственное чего не хватает — это заморские преподаватели. А мне казалось, что native-speakers за бюджетные деньги — это бонус к уже высокому уровню образования. Так в чем реформа-то заключается?

Кстати, см. требования к преподавателям:

- Native or near-native English speaker
- 2+ years of college
-No age requirement – adventurous retirees welcome!
*No teaching experience required


упд: не десять тысяч, а тысяча всего (переврала)


Не так давно, еще до всех этих новостей о том, что теперь все в Грузии будут англоязычными, я видела топик на одном из профильных форумов. Признаюсь, мне стало обидно, и я даже вознамерилась туда отписать, но обсуждение уже было закрыто.

Теперь, после того, как прочла у merienn и meskhi о полку тех, кто собирается прибыть и нести слово английское, вспомнила о том сообщении, залезла в scrapbook и вуаля. Читаю то, как нас воспринял один из "учителей" тогда, в 2006 г. Примечательно, однако.

Hello All,

REALLY I mean it. Don't say I didn't warn you! Literally a beggar nation and possibly failed state status.

1. The place was booming until the moronic president's ill-fated clash with Russia (one man's war another man's conflict). Now he can't even beg a European leader of any stature to take a picture with him. Foreign aid/FDI has dried up to the point that they can't make the budget and they are laying off military, cops, etc.

2. The people have an almost delusional and unrealistic high opinion of themselves. "We are European. No, you are in Asia. Well, we are a bridge country. True, but you are still in Asia. Well we are Christian. True, but you are still in Asia..." Turkey for its warts and all, compared to Georgia, is vastly more developed i.e. infrastructure and mentality, even on the Anatolian peninsula. Tbilisi is crumbling to the ground. Nobody will lift a finger to improve their own lot and surroundings, expecting that the West will give them money so they can rip it off. They think they somehow deserve western wages, yet aren't productive, families live together forever, don't pay rent/mortgage and food is cheap. They are extremely lazy. If you go into an office there will generally be 2 desks. One will have the somebody in it doing ALL of the work and the other desk is the boss who does nothing. They will lie at the drop of a hat. Just my opinion, but participation in the Eurovision song contest, is not the barometer of geography (when it is not in Moscow).

3. A night out is more expensive than London or Paris almost. Most of the hot spots are full of nothing but posers without any substance attached. On top of it you can count on bad service, plus a service charge and offerings that comprise of nothing local. So instead of a local 3 lari beer they will only offer you an expensive import, because they are always out of the cheaper menu options.

4. If you are a guy you can forget about "dating" much less getting laid! Highly conservative and immature. The dating scene is something from the 6th grade. Anybody who tells you differently is lying. There isn't even a word in the language for "boyfriend". The beach for the big summer season was a nightmare. I'm not gay, but the guys looked extremely better than the women without any clothes. No talent, too much cheese, bread and not any physical activity. The only exercise you will see a Georgian girl doing is running for a cigarette. Plus, they like to tell you how clever and beautiful they are dressed up all slutty, in fake designer clothes, cheap big sunglasses, bad teeth and mustache. They turn VERY unattractive quick!

5. Now for the work... Unless you get extremely lucky and happen to find a corporate gig, there is almost nothing for native EFL teachers. The corporate job will pay something in the neighborhood of $10+ per hour and you will probably net out about $150 a week and housing (minus utilities, transport, etc.). Private schools will have you come for interviews, yet only have at most maybe 3-6 hours of work. This is pretty much true for ALL of the schools/ads. They often won't tell you this unless you ask upfront. So you can use the metro and travel 1.5 hours to work 1.5 or pay for a taxi, make nothing and be responsible for your own housing, etc. Anybody who has worked Business/General EFL in any of the world's larger cities knows this problem, but in Georgia the pay rate makes it impossible. On top of it the US has flooded the place with Peace Corp volunteers who are generally working as English teachers. There is a rumor of a government program to introduce native English teachers into the primary/secondary schools, but see #1, realize the kids are spoiled brats and classrooms are a zoo. If you are doing schools/private lessons at best you will get 7-8 months work. Breaks from late July to October and late December until March. No salary! There is a catch-22 with all of the work. They usually have no idea of what they actually have work-wise.

I have had personal experience with the 2 schools in subject line. ETI is one of the larger concerns, but is now Georgian-run (as opposed to formerly British) and now acts like a typical Georgian business: inefficient, untruthful, pay problems and sketchy. Lingua House pawns themselves off as a professional outfit, but at best is a very small school trying to rope EFL teachers in using deceptive ads for little work and low pay. Posting various ads for work in Sochi or Parliament just to try and sucker you to look at the ads. The deputy director (an older American) is a drunk and seems to think he is going to get world-class teachers for peanuts. He even went so far as to disparage and insult me in a simple follow-up to a reference contact because he didn't get the answers he liked. On another note TCS was a good experience and the director was lovely.

You've been warned...



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